RAID 0 virtual
No redundancy exists.
NOTE: Do not run consistency checking commands on RAID 0 virtual disks.
Before attempting a consistency check, you must enable consistency checking using the set
virtualDisk command. Use the following command to set the consistencyCheckEnabled
parameter to TRUE:
set (allVirtualDisks | virtualDisk
virtualDiskName] | virtualDisks [virtualDiskName1
... virtualDiskNameN] | virtualDisk <wwid>
Once you have enabled both media scan and consistency check, use the check virtualDisk
consistency command to write the results to a file (specified by the mediaErrorFile and
consistencyErrorFile parameters):
check virtualDisk [virtualDiskName] consistency
Resetting A RAID Controller Module
CAUTION: When you reset a RAID controller module, the RAID controller module is not available
for I/O operations until the reset is complete. If a host is using virtual disks owned by the RAID
controller module being reset, the I/O directed to the RAID controller module is rejected. Before
resetting the RAID controller module, ensure that a multipath driver is installed on all hosts using
these virtual disks. If a multipath driver is not installed, the virtual disks are not available.
Resetting a RAID controller module is the same as rebooting the RAID controller module processors.
To reset a RAID controller module, run the following command:
reset controller [(0 | 1)]
Enabling RAID Controller Module Data Transfer
At times, a RAID controller module might become quiescent while running diagnostics. If this occurs, the
RAID controller module might become unresponsive. To revive a RAID controller module, run the
following command:
enable controller [(0 | 1)] dataTransfer
Resetting Battery Age
NOTE: A smart battery module does not require the battery age to be reset.
After replacing the batteries in the storage array, you must reset the age of the battery, either for an entire
storage array or one battery in a specific RAID controller module. To reset the age to zero days, run the
following command:
reset storageArray batteryInstallDate controller=(0 | 1)
Removing Persistent Reservations
Persistent reservations preserve virtual disk registrations and prevent hosts, other than the host defined
for the virtual disk, from accessing the virtual disk. You must remove persistent reservations before you
perform the following changes to your configuration: