• You define the number of physical disks, but not specific physical disks, for the replication repository
virtual disk.
Activating The Remote Replication (Legacy) Premium Feature With User-Assigned Physical
Activating the Remote Replication (legacy) premium feature by assigning the physical disks provides
flexibility in defining your configuration by letting you choose from the available physical disks in your
storage array. Choosing the physical disks for your remote replication automatically creates a new disk
group. You can specify which physical disks to use and the RAID level for the new disk group.
The command takes this form:
activate storageArray feature=remoteReplication
repositoryRAIDLevel=(1 | 5 | 6)
repositoryPhysicalDisks=(enclosureID1,slotID1 ...
enclosureLossProtect=(TRUE | FALSE)
This example shows a command in which you assign the physical disks:
-c “activate storageArray feature=remoteReplication
repositoryPhysicalDisks=(1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5);”
The command in this example creates a new replication repository virtual disk consisting of five physical
disks that form a new disk group. The new disk group has RAID Level 5.
This example shows how to use the command in a script file:
activate storageArray feature=remoteReplication
repositoryPhysicalDisks=(1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5);
Activating The Remote Replication (Legacy) Premium Feature With Software-Assigned
Physical Disks
With this version of the activate storageArray feature= remoteReplication command, you
choose an existing disk group in which to place the replication repository virtual disk. The MD storage
management software then determines which physical disks to use. You can also define how much space
to assign to the replication repository virtual disk. Because you are using an existing disk group, the RAID
level for the replication repository virtual disk defaults to the RAID level of the disk group in which you
place it. You cannot define the RAID level for the replication repository virtual disk.
The command takes this form:
activate storageArray feature=remoteReplication
This example shows a command in which the software assigns the physical disks:
-c “activate storageArray feature=remoteReplication
repositoryDiskGroup=2 freeCapacityArea=2;”