Parameter Description
This command does not automatically append a
file extension to the saved file. You must specify a
file extension when entering the file name.
The data that you save to the host using this command can, if needed, be restored to the RAID controller
module. A validator, however, is required to restore data from the file on the host.
Save Storage Array DBM Validator Information File
This command saves the database management (DBM) validation information for a storage array in an
XML file. Support personnel can use this XML file to generate a validator string (a security code). The
validator string must be included in the load storageArray dbmDatabase command when restoring
a storage array back to a pre-existing configuration.
save storageArray dbmValidatorInfo file="filename" dbmDatabase="filename"
Parameter Description
The file path and the file name of the DBM
validator. Enclose the file name in double
quotation marks (" "). For example: file="C:\Array
Backups \DBMvalidator.xml". This command does
not automatically append a file extension to the
saved file. You must specify the .xml file extension
when you enter the file name.
The file path and the file name of the DBM
database from which you want to generate the
XML information file. Enclose the file name in
double quotation marks (" "). For example:
dbmDatabase="C:\Array Backups
\DBMbackup_03302010.dbm". This command
does not automatically append a file extension to
the saved file. You must specify the .dbm file
extension when you enter the file name.