Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
Microsoft Exchange users can use Inbox to schedule meetings remotely.
Your network administrator must enable Microsoft rich text support for
any accounts that are accessed by mobile device users.
To process meeting requests, download the complete message, either by
marking specific messages for downloading or by choosing to download
all messages completely during the service setup. In addition, make sure
to enable the Meeting Requests option during the service setup.
Send messages
To compose a new message, tap the New Message button on the toolbar.
You can enter an e-mail address in the To box, or select a name from the
Address Book. All e-mail addresses entered in the e-mail fields in
Contacts appear in the Address Book.
To send your message, tap File
ààSend. Messages are placed in your
Outbox folder on your device and are delivered to their destination in one
of the following two ways:
They are transferred to the Outbox folder in Exchange or Outlook on
your desktop computer the next time you synchronize.
They are transmitted to your mail server the next time you connect
remotely. In Inbox, make sure the appropriate service is selected on
the Service menu. Then tap Connect.