Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
Infrared Transmissions
Infrared transmissions are power consuming. If possible, refrain from
transmitting large documents or files through the infrared port while you
are using the system on battery power.
Active Synchronization
Synchronizing the data on your Compaq Aero 2100 Series with your
desktop computer consumes power. Whenever possible, arrange your
synchronization routine so that it is transmitted through the cradle while
your system is powered by the AC adapter.
Automatic Power Off
You can program your Compaq Aero 2100 Series to automatically shut
down whenever it is idle for a short period. If you are running on battery
power, it might help to conserve charge if you shorten the interval before
the system automatically powers off.
Tap StartààSettingsààPower, or QààPower, then the Power Off tab.
(Tap Start
ààQLaunch to make the Q icon appear on the taskbar.)