Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
To help protect against unauthorized use of your Compaq Aero 2100
Series, password security is provided. For immediate protection, Compaq
recommends setting up the password security through the Password
utility in the Settings of your device as soon as possible. If set, your login
password must be entered to access Windows CE. This occurs each time
that you turn on your device.
CAUTION: Choose a password that's easy to remember. If you forget
it, you must perform a full reset to use your device again. A full reset
restarts your device and removes all information that was stored in
memory, such as your data files and your system settings.
To set your login password, follow these steps:
On your device, tap StartààSettingsààPassword.
If a password has been previously set, the Enter Password dialog
appears. Enter the password and tap the OK button. This gives you
access to the rest of the Password application. This step is necessary
only if a password has been previously set.
To set a new password or change an existing password, type the new
password into the Password box, then into the Confirm box.
Enable the login password by checking the Enable password
protection at power-on box. This causes a password prompt to
appear each time you turn on the device.
Save your new settings by tapping OK.
Your login password is now set. The login password screen appears each
time you turn on your device.