Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
Program Button Description
Opens the Calendar application.
Opens the Contacts application.
Opens the Tasks application.
Opens the Note Taker application.
Changing the Program Button Shortcuts
You can change the shortcuts of the program buttons so that they open
different applications.
Tap on StartààSettingsààButtons.
In the Button Properties screen, tap the Program tab.
Highlight the button that you want to change by tapping with the
stylus. Use the icons to identify the buttons numbered 1 to 5. Note that
you can also change the shortcut of the Voice Recorder button.
In the Button Assignment drop down menu, select the new
application that you want to be associated with the highlighted button
by tapping it with the stylus.
Tap the OK button to close the Button Properties screen.
NOTE: The Game Keys feature in the QUtilities lets you switch the four
program buttons to directional controls. For more information, see "Game
Keys" in Chapter 4.