Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
Use CF Backup/Restore to save the entire contents of your Compaq Aero
2100 Series memory to a CompactFlash storage card (purchased
separately), which can be carried everywhere your device goes for easy
retrieval while on the road.
NOTE: These utilities are designed for use with CompactFlash storage
cards that are approved by Microsoft as Windows CE 2.0 compatible. You
should use a card at least as big as your device's RAM (Random Access
Memory) size, e.g., 16 or 24 MB. For information on ordering a Compaq
CompactFlash storage card, see the Accessories Information flier included
in the shipping box. For a list of other Compaq-tested CompactFlash
cards, visit the Compaq Aero 2100 Series home page at
Each time you use the CF Backup utility, your data files, databases,
preferences, Windows CE system data, and applications are copied to the
CompactFlash storage card. The subdirectories on your Compaq Aero
2100 Series are also duplicated on the storage card.
To perform a backup:
Connect to external power or verify that you have good batteries in
your device.
Insert the CompactFlash storage card into the card slot on your device,
as described in "Inserting a CompactFlash Card" in Chapter 12.
Close all active programs before proceeding. Tap QààClose all tasks.
Tap QààQUtilitiesààCF Backup tab. Tap Backup.