
show memory processor
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
The following is sample output from the show memory processor fragment command:
Router# show memory processor fragment
Processor memory
Free memory size : 3144348 Number of free blocks: 96
Allocator PC Summary for allocated blocks in pool: Processor
PC Total Count Name
0x6069A038 262196 1 TACL FLT
0x62224AA8 219188 1 QOS_MODULE_MAIN
0x61648840 131124 1 Init
0x6218DAA4 73780 1 CCSIP_UDP_SOCKET
0x61649288 65588 1 CEF: loadinfo chunk
0x61BFD4B8 65588 1 PPTP mgd timer chunk
0x61EE1050 65588 1 eddri_self_event
0x607C13C4 49204 1 Exec
0x608A0D4C 35208 4 Process Stack
0x6069D804 32052 1 TACL hist
0x61631A90 21444 2 CEF: IPv4 Unicast RPF subblock
0x62BA5DD8 20432 1 Init
0x6086F858 20052 1 RMI-RO_RU Chun
0x608CF99C 20052 1 Managed Chunk Queue Elements
Table 113 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The following is sample output from the show memory processor free command:
Router# show memory processor free
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC what
24 Free list 1
66994680 0000000072 66994618 669946FC 000 0 6698FFC8 60699114 Turbo ACr
6698FFC8 0000000072 6698FF60 66990044 000 66994680 659CF6B0 60699114 Turbo ACr
PrevF Address of the preceding free block (if free).
NextF Address of the following free block (if free).
Alloc PC Address of the program counter that allocated the block.
What Name of the process that owns the block, or “(fragmen)” if the block is a fragment,
or “(coalesced)” if the block was coalesced from adjacent free blocks.
Table 112 show memory processor Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Table 113 show memory processor fragment Field Descriptions
Field Description
PC Program counter
Total Total memory allocated by the process (in bytes).
Count Number of allocations.
Name Name of the allocating process.