show parser statistics
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
In the following example the show parser statistics command is used to compare the parse-time of a
large configuration file with the Parser Cache feature disabled and enabled. In this example, a
configuration file with 1484 access list commands is loaded into the running configuration.
Router# configure terminal
!parser cache is disabled
Router(config)# no parser cache
!configuration file is loaded into the running configuration
Router# copy slot0:acl_list running-config
Router# show parser statistics
Last configuration file parsed:Number of Commands:1484, Time:1272 ms
Parser cache:disabled, 0 hits, 2 misses
!the parser cache is reenabled
Router(config)# parser cache
!configuration file is loaded into the running configuration
Router# copy slot0:acl_list running-config
Router# show parser statistics
Last configuration file parsed:Number of Commands:1484, Time:820 ms
Parser cache:enabled, 1460 hits, 26 misses
Table 118 show parser statistics Output Fields
Last configuration file parsed: Displays statistics on the last configuration file copied
into the running configuration (at startup or using the
copy command).
Number of commands: The number of command lines in the last configuration
file parsed.
Time: Time (in milliseconds) taken for the system to load the
last configuration file.
Parser cache: Displays whether the Parser Cache feature is enabled
or disabled, and the hit/miss statistics related to the
feature. Statistics are stored since the initialization of
the system, or since the last time the parser cache was
hits Number of commands the parser cache was able to
parse more efficiently by matching them to similar
commands executed previously.
misses Number of commands the parser cache was unable to
match to previously executed commands. The
performance enhancement provided by the Parser
Cache feature cannot be applied to unmatched