show memory fast
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
841BE944 0000000504 841BE33C 841BEB64 001 -------- -------- 815A9630 Watched Message
841BEB64 0000001504 841BE944 841BF16C 001 -------- -------- 815A9658 Watcher Message
841BF16C 0000001036 841BEB64 841BF5A0 001 -------- -------- 815A2B24 Process Array
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Router>show memory processor
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC what
8404A580 0001493284 00000000 841B6ECC 000 0 84BADF88 815219D8 (coalesced)
841B6ECC 0000020004 8404A580 841BBD18 001 -------- -------- 815DB094 Managed Chunk Queue
841BBD18 0000001504 841B6ECC 841BC320 001 -------- -------- 8159EAC4 List Elements
841BC320 0000005004 841BBD18 841BD6D4 001 -------- -------- 8159EB04 List Headers
841BD6D4 0000000048 841BC320 841BD72C 001 -------- -------- 81F2A614 *Init*
841BD72C 0000001504 841BD6D4 841BDD34 001 -------- -------- 815A9514 messages
841BDD34 0000001504 841BD72C 841BE33C 001 -------- -------- 815A9540 Watched messages
841BE33C 0000001504 841BDD34 841BE944 001 -------- -------- 815A95E4 Watched Semaphore
841BE944 0000000504 841BE33C 841BEB64 001 -------- -------- 815A9630 Watched Message
841BEB64 0000001504 841BE944 841BF16C 001 -------- -------- 815A9658 Watcher Message
841BF16C 0000001036 841BEB64 841BF5A0 001 -------- -------- 815A2B24 Process Array
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The following example shows sample output from the show memory fast allocating-process command,
followed by sample output from the show memory fast allocating-process totals command:
Router#show memory fast allocating-process
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref Alloc Proc Alloc PC What
8404A580 0001493284 00000000 841B6ECC 000 815219D8 (coalesced)
841B6ECC 0000020004 8404A580 841BBD18 001 *Init* 815DB094 Managed Chunk Queue
841BBD18 0000001504 841B6ECC 841BC320 001 *Init* 8159EAC4 List Elements
841BC320 0000005004 841BBD18 841BD6D4 001 *Init* 8159EB04 List Headers
841BD6D4 0000000048 841BC320 841BD72C 001 *Init* 81F2A614 *Init*
841BD72C 0000001504 841BD6D4 841BDD34 001 *Init* 815A9514 messages
841BDD34 0000001504 841BD72C 841BE33C 001 *Init* 815A9540 Watched messages
841BE33C 0000001504 841BDD34 841BE944 001 *Init* 815A95E4 Watched Semaphore
841BE944 0000000504 841BE33C 841BEB64 001 *Init* 815A9630 Watched Message Queue
841BEB64 0000001504 841BE944 841BF16C 001 *Init* 815A9658 Watcher Message Queue
841BF16C 0000001036 841BEB64 841BF5A0 001 *Init* 815A2B24 Process Array
c2600-1#show memory fast allocating-process totals
Allocator PC Summary for: Processor
PC Total Count Name
0x815C085C 1194600 150 Process Stack
0x815B6C28 948680 5 pak subblock chunk