Programming Reference
[Name] Set printable area in page mode
[Format] ASCII ESC W xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH
Hex 1B 57 xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH
Decimal 27 87 xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH
[Range] 0 ≦ xL, xH, yL, yH 255 (except for ≦ dxL = dxH = 0 or dyL = dyH = 0)
[Default] Horizontal logical origin and vertical logical origin = 0
xL = 0, xH = 0, yL = 0, yH = 0
[Description] In page mode, sets the size and the logical origin of the printing area as follows:
Horizontal logical origin = (xL + xH x256) x (horizontal motion unit) from absolute origin.
Vertical logical origin = (yL + yH x256) x (vertical motion unit) from absolute origin.
Printing area width = (dxL + dxH x256) x (horizontal motion unit)
Printing area height = (dyL + dyH x256) x (vertical motion unit)
Maximum width: 384 dots
Maximum height: 1280 dots
Both printing area width and height cannot be set to 0.
The absolute origin is the upper left of the printable area.
If the horizontal or vertical logical origin is set outside the printable area, both horizontal
and vertical logical origin is set