
GS k
Programming Reference
[Name] Print bar code
[Format] I. ASCII GS k m d1… dk NULL
Hex 1D 6B m d1… dk NULL
Decimal 29 107 m d1… dk NULL
II. ASCII GS k m n d1… dn
Hex 1D 6B m n d1… dn
Decimal 29 107 m n d1… dn
[Range] I. 0 m 6 (k and d depend on the bar code system used)
II. 65 m 73 (n and d depend on the bar code system used)
[Default] n = 162
[Description] Selects a bar code system and prints the bar code.
k of (1) indicates the number of the bar code data to be printed. k does not need to be
n of (2) indicates the number of the bar code data.
d indicates the character code of the bar code data to be printed.
m specifies a bar code system as follows (“sp” in the table indicates space).