
80 TalkSwitch User Manual
4.1.2 Receiving calls without the Auto Attendant
If you choose not to use the Auto Attendant to answer calls, please note that the Call
Cascade options for the Local Extensions will not be engaged.
IInn oorrddeerr ffoorr ccaallllss ttoo ggoo
ttoo aann eexxtteennssiioonnss mmaaiillbbooxx,, tthhee AAuuttoo AAtttteennddaanntt mmuusstt ffiirrsstt aannsswweerr tthhee ccaallll oorr ssoommeeoonnee
iinn tthhee ooffffiiccee mmuusstt tthheenn ttrraannssffeerr tthhee ccaallll..
For details on configuring TalkSwitch to ring
specific extensions during inbound calls, see section Once calls have been
answered at a Local Extension, they can be transferred to any extension or voice
mailbox. See section 3.2 for more details.
4.2 In the Office - Making and Receiving Calls
4.2.1 Making calls from a Local Extension
Placing Intercom calls from one Local Extension to another Local Extension,
Remote Extension or Extension Ring Group:
You can place intercom calls from one Local Extension to another Local
Extension, Remote Extension, VoIP Extension or Extension Ring Group by
simply picking up your extension’s handset and dialing the number of the
extension with which you wish to intercom. An Intercom call can be identified by
a unique ring cadence (2 short rings) except in the case of a Remote Extension
Intercom call, where the phone will ring as usual, or if a Ring Group has a ring
cadence other than ‘normal’.
IInntteerrccoomm ccaallllss ddoo nnoott ffoollllooww CCaallll CCaassccaaddee
sseeqquueenncceess ooff tthhee eexxtteennssiioonnss.. CCaallll CCaassccaaddee iiss oonnllyy ffoolll
loowweedd aafftteerr aa ccaallll hhaass bbeeeenn
Placing ‘out-of-office’ calls from a Local Extension:
To place a call to an out-of-office telephone number from a Local Extension, you
must first access an available line by choosing a Hunt Group (9, 81-88) at the
internal dial tone. Restrictions to specific Line Hunt Groups can be configured for
each extension. Your extension can also be configured to Directly Access a specific
line (i.e. when a handset is picked up, you will hear the Telephone Company dial
tone and can dial an outside telephone number as usual).
If you have Direct Line Access enabled for a Local Extension, you will need to dial
‘Flash’ before dialing any system features, such as extensions or voicemail.
4.2.2 Receiving calls at a Local Extension
To receive calls at a Local Extension, simply pick up the extension’s handset when the
extension rings. If the call went through the Auto Attendant to the extension and it
has call screening enabled (configured on the Local extension and Ring Group
pages), you have the choice of accepting the call by pressing or, re-routing the call
to its ‘Answer at ext.’ Call Cascade options by pressing or hanging up.
TS manual 11th ED_CVA_v11_CD_Release.qxd 7/13/2004 3:36 PM Page 80