
2.1 What’s included with TalkSwitch
The TalkSwitch 48-CVA comes shipped with the following items:
1. The TalkSwitch Unit
2. AC Power Adapter (Warning: never use any power adapter other than the
one provided.)
3. 6' RJ-45 Ethernet Cable
4. 6' RJ-11 Telephone Cable – (4)
5. CD containing configuration software and documentation
6. Quick Reference Cards
7. TalkSwitch Start Guide
8. TalkSwitch Memory Card (optional)
If any of these items are missing, please contact your TalkSwitch dealer.
TThhee TTaallkkSSwwiittcchh lliinnee jjaacckkss aarree sseennssiittiivvee ttoo hhiigghh--vvoollttaaggee ssppiikkeess ffrroomm lliigghhttnniinngg.. IIff yyoouu lliivvee
iinn aann aarre
eaa wwhheerree eelleeccttrriiccaall ssttoorrmmss ooccccuurr rreegguullaarrllyy,, wwee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt yyoouu pprrootteecctt
TTaallkkSSwwiittcchh bbyy pplluuggggiinngg tthhee
tteelleepphhoonnee ccoorrddss ccoommiinngg ffrroomm tthhee TTaallkkSSwwiittcchh lliinnee jjaacckkss ttoo aa
ssuurrggee pprrootteeccttiioonn ddeevviiccee ccoonnnneecctteedd ttoo tthhee iinnccoommiinngg tteelleepphhoonnee lliinneess..
If you live in an area with cold temperatures, do not plug TalkSwitch into a power outlet
until the system has warmed to room temperature. Otherwise, condensation could
build up on the electronics and cause damage when TalkSwitch powers up.
12.0 Installing TalkSwitch
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