Appendix F - Return Policy
PPrroodduuccttss ppuurrcchhaasseedd ffrroomm aa rreesseelllleerr::
Check with your reseller on the specific details regarding their return policy.
PPrroodduuccttss ppuurrcchhaasseedd ddiirreeccttllyy ffrroomm CCeennttrreeppooiinntt TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess::
Contact Centrepoint Technologies for details regarding the return policy. For
information regarding product servicing, please refer to the TalkSwitch One Year
Limited Warranty. Centrepoint Technologies will not accept product returns outside
of its return policy.
TToo RReettuurrnn pprroodduuccttss wwhhiicchh wweerree ppuurrcchhaasseedd ddiirreeccttllyy ffrroomm CCeennttrreeppooiinntt TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess::
1. Obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. You can obtain
this number by contacting the Technical Support department at Centrepoint
Technologies (613) 725-2980. Please have your model and serial number
available when you call. Products will not be accepted without an RMA
2. Include a copy of your proof of purchase and a written explanation of the
reason for the return; this will allow us to expedite your refund.
3. Attach the shipping label to the exterior of the package.
4. On the shipping label, be sure to include the RMA number obtained from
Centrepoint Technologies.
5. Ship the product (prepaid and in its original packaging) to:
Centrepoint Technologies
1545 Carling Ave. Suite 510
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 8P9
If the product is being shipped from outside of Canada, the following statement must
be included on the package.
‘‘CCaannaaddiiaann GGooooddss BBeeiinngg RReettuurrnneedd ttoo CCaannaaddaa’’..
FFaaiilluurree ttoo oobbttaaiinn aann RRMMAA nnuummbbeerr aanndd iinncclluuddee tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinnddiiccaatteedd aabboovvee wwiillll
rreessuulltt iinn tthhee ppaacckkaaggee bbeeiinngg rreeffuusseedd..
The Centrepoint Technologies Return Policy applies only for products
purchased directly from Centrepoint Technologies. The Return Policy for products
purchased from an authorized Centrepoint Technologies dealer is determined by the
dealer (the retail outlet where the product was purchased). Please contact your retailer
for information regarding their return policy; do not return the product directly to
Centrepoint Technologies.