
513.0 Configuring TalkSwitch
Play Auto Attendant:
If you wish to have the Auto Attendant answer calls to give callers options, select
the appropriate Auto Attendant and number of rings before the Auto Attendant
answers. The caller will always hear one more ring than the number of rings you
select, since TalkSwitch uses the first ring to determine the ring type and support
Caller ID information.
Ring extensions only (no Auto Attendant is played):
If you don’t want the Auto Attendant to answer calls on this line, select this
option. By default, all the Local Extensions are set to ring immediately during an
inbound call. If you select this option, no Call Cascade actions (such as
voicemail) can be performed.
SSeennddiinngg CCaallllss ttoo vvooiicceemmaaiill wwiitthhoouutt ggooiinngg ttoo tthhee aauuttoo aatttteennddaanntt::
If you require a
‘fall through’ sequence, such as going to a voice mailbox after X rings, set Auto
Attendant 9 to answer calls after ‘x’ number of rings, and select the extensions
you want to ring before the Auto Attendant answers. Next, configure Auto
Attendant 9 as follows:
1) Make sure nothing has been recorded for Auto Attendant 9. At internal dial tone,
you can dial and (password if required) 049 to ensure nothing is there.
2) Configure the ‘If no selection is made after ‘x’ seconds’ option to go to the
voice mailbox you desire and select ‘0 seconds’ for the timing.
Now when you don’t answer a call within the number of rings programmed, the
call will be answered by Auto Attendant 9. Since nothing has been recorded, the
call will immediately go to the specified voice mailbox. (See the previous section
for details on configuring Auto Attendants)
Note: if you call on any line, TalkSwitch will answer after 15 rings with a generic
Auto Attendant so that you can still access the system to make configuration
changes, change modes, access voicemail or dial extensions.
Extensions to ring on an incoming call (before Auto Attendant answers):
Select the Local Extensions you would like to ring before the Auto Attendant
answers. By default, all activated Local Extensions will ring. If you require certain
extensions to ring in a sequence, i.e. one extension rings first, then another on
the 2nd ring, click the “Adjust Sequence” button to configure.
Remember: Callers will only be directed according to settings for an Auto Attendant
first. Calls will not follow the Call Cascade settings of any of the Local Extensions
programmed to ring before the Auto Attendant answers.
TS manual 11th ED_CVA_v11_CD_Release.qxd 7/13/2004 3:35 PM Page 51