
Appendix G - Specifications
EExxtteennssiioonn IInntteerrffaaccee
Loop range 0 to 600 ohms
On hook voltage 35 volts
Off hook loop voltage source 35 volts
Off hook loop current 27 to 40 mA
Ringing voltage 90 volts RMS
Ringing frequency 20 Hz - True Sine wave
Total supported ringing load 5 REN
Trunk type Loop start
Connector type RJ-11, 2 pin
Interface impedance 600 ohms
Dial tone level -2.4 dBm
Signaling type DTMF only
Flash hook supported Yes
CC..OO.. IInntteerrffaaccee
Interface impedance configurable -
900 ohms + 2uF
900 ohms
600 ohms + 2uF
600 ohms
Trunk type Loop start
Connector type RJ-11, 4-pin
Ringing impedance 3,900 ohms
Ringing sensitivity 45 volts RMS @ 20Hz
REN 1.8
Longitudinal balance 69 dB
Signal level - 10 dB
Caller ID support All lines
Distinctive ring supported Yes
C.O. interfaces 4
Extension interfaces 8
RS-232, 9 pin interface 1
USB interface 1
TS manual 11th ED_CVA_v11_CD_Release.qxd 7/13/2004 3:36 PM Page 133