
70 TalkSwitch User Guide
To announce calls before transferring (Screened Transfer) — Put the caller on hold
and dial the appropriate extension number. If the person at the receiving extension
answers and wishes to take the call, simply hang up or dial ‘flash’ ‘4’ to complete the
transfer and get internal dialtone. The caller will immediately be taken off hold and
connected with the receiving extension. If the person at the receiving extension does
not wish to take the call, you can press ‘flash’ ‘5’ to return to the caller.
Keep in mind that if you dial an extension and it is busy or not answered, you can
still complete the transfer so that the caller will be directed according to that
extensions’ Call Cascade settings.
If you tend to handle many calls, you may want to complete or cancel a transfer without
hanging up. Flash ‘4’ will complete the transfer and then provide internal dialtone
while flash ‘5’ will cancel the transfer and connect you back to the caller.
From a Local Extension to any outside telephone number:
To initiate an Unscreened Transfer — Put the caller on hold, select a Line Hunt
Group (dial 80 for Same Line Connect), then dial the outside telephone number
then press ‘flash’ ‘4’ to complete the transfer.
YYoouu ccaannnnoott ssiimmppllyy hhaanngg uupp ttoo
ccoommpplleettee tthhee ttrraannssffeerr ootthheerrwwiissee tthhee ccaallllss wwiillll bbee ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd..
If the person at the receiving extension does not wish to take the call, you can
press ‘flash’ ‘5’ to return to the caller.
If you have the 3-Way Calling/Conference or Centrex Transfer feature enabled on the
current line, you can select the Same Line Connect (80) to make use of these features.
Everything proceeds as outlined above other than the fact that you are using the same
line to transfer the call.
3.2.5 Call Park — Parking and retrieving callers
Call Park is a useful feature for placing a caller on hold and then being able to
retrieve them from any other Local Extension. TalkSwitch has 10 Park Orbits for
all models. Parking a caller
To place a caller in a Park Orbit, press ‘flash’ then and choose a Park Orbit (500
to 509). You will hear a confirmation after parking the caller that indicates the caller
has been parked successfully. If the Park Orbit is already occupied, you will hear “I’m
sorry, that extension is unavailable at this time.” then dialtone. Once again press
and choose a new Park Orbit.