
Appendix H — TalkSwitch and Power Interruptions
TTaallkkSSwwiittcchh sseettttiinnggss aanndd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss::
In the event of a power failure, your TalkSwitch settings and configurations will not
be lost.
TalkSwitch’s feature settings (configuration) are stored in an EEPROM. An EEPROM
is a form of non-volatile memory. Non-volatile memory means that your feature
settings (configurations) remain in TalkSwitch’s memory despite interruptions in
TalkSwitch’s power supply.
CCaalllliinngg FFeeaattuurreess::
In the event of a power failure, no TalkSwitch features or capabilities will be available
other than:
Local Extension 114 can make or receive calls on Line 1
In the event of a power return, all TalkSwitch features and capabilities will be
MMooddee SScchheedduulliinngg aanndd PPoowweerr IInntteerrrruuppttiioonnss::
When the power supply to TalkSwitch has been interrupted, TalkSwitch’s internal
clock will continue to run for up to 12 hours. If you have enabled TalkSwitch’s
Automatic Mode Scheduling feature and it has been longer than 12 hours,
TalkSwitch will not function properly until the internal clock is reset via a Caller ID
call or with the TalkSwitch configuration software. When power is restored to
TalkSwitch, TalkSwitch will check the time and determine the mode it should be in
according to the configuration and set itself to that mode.
To check the current mode of operation, dial at a Local Extension to enter
command mode then enter a password if required. Next, dial 30 then . TalkSwitch
will report the current mode.