
Line CPC/ Disconnect Clear:
If calls are being disconnected accidentally in mid conversation, this usually
indicates a problem with the telephone line. TalkSwitch is always looking for a
‘hangup’ signal from the phone company called a CPC or Disconnect Clear
signal. If the line has ‘shorts’ or even the line card at the central office is defective,
then CPC signals in the 250ms range might come down the line and cause
TalkSwitch to hangup. Try bumping up this value if this seems to be occurring.
Ringback Control:
If an extension seems to ring back as if a caller was on hold, but when answered,
no one is there, this could indicate a debounce problem with the phone
hookswitch. When someone at the extension hangs up, the handset bounces
slightly to cause a flash signal to be seen by TalkSwitch before the hang up. As a
result TalkSwitch puts the line on hold. To help with this problem, this value can
be increased to the point where it will stop the ringbacks.
Line Impedance:
This setting should not be adjusted unless you understand the impact. Line
impedance is set to match as best as possible the line interface from the telephone
company. A good match ensures good levels and low echo.
Fax Detection:
If fax calls are not being directed properly to the fax machine, then you may need
to set this option to detect 1 tone. If it’s set to detect 1 tone and people complain
they have been accidentally routed to the fax machine, then set this value to
detect 2 tones.
652.0 Configuring TalkSwitch