
36 TalkSwitch User Guide
In the “At the Auto Attendant, perform the following actions:” section:
If the caller selects
In general, the ‘0’ option is used to direct callers to a receptionist. You may
want to configure this option to ring a Local Extension. For an after hours
auto attendant, you might want to use this option for forwarding to a Remote
Extension for emergency purposes or simply direct callers to a voice mailbox.
If the caller selects
’, ‘
’, ‘
’, ‘
’ or ‘
If the caller presses ‘
’, ‘
’, ‘
’, ‘
’ or ‘
’ at the specified Auto Attendant,
TalkSwitch can perform one of several actions. You may wonder how a caller
can press just a single digit like ‘1’ or dial extension ‘111’ at the Auto
Attendant and the system understand what it is supposed to do. TalkSwitch
waits 1.5 seconds for another digit after receiving the first digit. If another
digit is not received, then TalkSwitch will follow the action set for the digit ‘1’.
If a caller selects one of the single digit options, you can configure to direct
the call to one of the following options:
ppeerrffoorrmm nnoo aaccttiioonn::
If you don’t want to use a particular option, then set
it to perform no action.
ggoo ttoo vvooiiccee mmaaiillbbooxx::
You can configure any single digit option to send a
caller immediately to voicemail. Select the appropriate mailbox or ‘new’
to create a new mailbox if required.
ggoo ttoo llooccaall eexxtteennssiioonn::
If you are a small company, sometimes it is useful
to provide a single digit option to ring an extension as opposed to 3 digits.
ggoo ttoo rreemmoottee eex
If you are a small company, sometimes it is useful to
provide a single digit option to ring an extension as opposed to 3 digits.
ggoo ttoo rriinngg ggrroouupp::
If you are a small company, sometimes it is useful to
provide a single digit option to ring an extension as opposed to 3 digits.
ggoo ttoo aauuttoo aatttteennddaanntt::
TalkSwitch can direct callers to multiple levels of
auto attendants. For example, you might want to use your main auto
attendant to provide language options such as “press 1 for english, 2 for
spanish.” Then you configure option 1 to go to auto attendant 2 (english
version) and option 2 to go to auto attendant 3 (spanish version).
qquueeuuee aatt rriinngg ggrroouupp::
Some might consider this feature to be equivalent
to ACD. It can be useful for businesses that want to direct calls to a group
of employees and keep callers on hold until a member of the ring group is
free to take the call.
ppllaayy aannnnoouunnc
Announcements are useful for providing directions,
business hours or other information. You can inform callers that they can
press to return to the previous greeting.
ggoo ttoo ddiirreeccttoorryy::
If you want callers to be able to locate employee extension
numbers by last name, then enable this option for one of the selections.