
TToo oobbttaaiinn WWaarrrraannttyy sseerrvviiccee::
IIff ppuurrcchhaasseedd ffrroomm aa rreesseelllleerr::
Contact your reseller and obtain a Warranty Return Authorization (WRA) number
if required.
IIff ppuurrcchhaasseedd ffrroomm TTaallkkSSwwiittcchh::
Please contact the Technical Support department at
TalkSwitch to obtain an WRA number — (866) 393-9960 toll free in continental
North America or (613) 725-2466. Please have your model and serial number
available when you call.
If the product is being shipped from outside of Canada, the following statement must
be included on the package.
CCaannaaddiiaann GGooooddss BBeeiinngg RReettuurrnneedd ttoo CCaannaaddaa..
FFaaiilluurree ttoo oobbttaaiinn aa WWRRAA nnuummbbeerr aanndd iinncclluuddee tthhee nneecceessssaarryy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn
tthhee ppaacckkaaggee bbeeiinngg rreeffuusseedd..