Chapter 8 Shop Manager Operations
The Shop Manager application helps you to manage the workshop information,
customer information records, and keep test vehicle history records, which can be a
great assist in dealing with daily workshop business and improves customer service.
There are three main functions available:
Vehicle History
Workshop Information
Customer Manager
The operations of these functions of the Shop Manager application are mainly
manipulated by the toolbar buttons, which are listed and described in the table below:
Table 8-1 Top Toolbar Buttons in Shop Manager
Returns to the previous screen.
Touching this button directs you to the vehicle’s
Diagnostics screen to activate a direct test session.
Touching this button shows the editing toolbar to
print or delete the selected file.
Touching this button deletes the selected vehicle
record item from the list.
Quickly locates the vehicle record by entering the
vehicle name or test path.
Touching this button to cancel edit or file search.
Touching this button allows you to edit information
for the displayed file.
Touching this button to create a new customer
account file.