CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 81
• Applying a slow LFO2 to speed will give a gradual speed up and slow down of LFO1 rate.
This can be used for special effects, especially in synth sounds - for example, apply a slow
LFO1 mod to the filter cutoff and assign a slow LFO2 to control LFO1’s speed, setting a
value of + 50. Assigning it to depth will cause the effect of LFO1 to whatever destination it
is applied to increase and decrease at a rate set by LFO2. Applying LFO2 to delay will only
have an effect at the point of note-on.
• Selecting ENV1 or ENV2 to control speed will give changes in speed according to the
shape of the envelope. Applying it to depth allows you to ‘shape’ the output of LFO1.
Applying it to delay will have no effect.
• Selecting any of the continuous controllers will allow to change the parameters in real-time
as you play. For example, routing modwheel to speed will let you change the modulation
rate as you introduce vibrato (note that routing modwheel to control depth is not really
worthwhile as this is a fixed assignment anyway in the EXTRA parameters described
below). Assigning any of the continuous controllers to delay is not going to produce much
effect except at the point of note on (pressure will have no effect on delay at all, by the
• Any of the ‘!’ continuous controllers will only have an effect at the point of note on. You may
use these to set speed, depth and delay in real-time as you play.
The parameters allow you to introduce more modulation and these have fixed
assignments which are:
This allows you to set the level of modulation that will be introduced via the
modwheel. This works in conjunction with the parameter. Even with
set to 00, you may still use the modwheel for vibrato and other
modulation. With set at anything other than 00, this will set a basic level
of modulation that will be present in the sound all the time and the modwheel
will introduce more again. With the LFO set at 99, the modwheel will
have no effect because the LFO output is now at maximum. The default for
this parameter is 30 so that modwheel is instantly available for vibrato without
you having to do anything.
As with , this selects that pressure can be used to introduce
modulation. The same principles apply that even with set to 00, you
may still use pressure for vibrato and other modulation. With the depth set at
anything other than 00, this will set a basic level of modulation and pressure will
introduce more. With depth set at 99, pressure will have no effect because the
LFO output is now at maximum.
This allows you to use note-on velocity to introduce LFO1 modulation. With a
positive value set here, playing a note hard will introduce a level of modulation
which may be augmented using the modwheel or pressure.