CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 247
The soft key functions are:
This will take you to the SMF load page (see below).
You may delete the selected song file from memory using this key.
This will play the selected song at the tempo specified in the or
from the bar selected in the field. As the song plays,
so you will see its progress in the fields.
NOTE: Although you may select another song for playback, when the current song reaches
the end, it will stop - it will not then play the next SMF.
It will not surprise you to know that pressing this key will stop playback of the
In the MIDI SONG PLAY screen, pressing F2 - - will display this screen:
The CD3000XL will read the floppy disk and list the song files that it contains.
NOTE: As the title of this page implies, files must be on a DOS format floppy disk. SMF’s on
floppy disks other than DOS format cannot be read. If the disk is not an MS DOS formatted disk,
you will see the message:
This will occur if the disk in the floppy is a sound library disk.
The fields on this screen are:
This indicates the percentage of memory free for loading song files. 100%
indicates approximately 300kB free for this purpose.
NOTE: If the memory is full with sound data, there may not be enough room to load an SMF.
Be sure to leave a bit of memory free for song files.
FILE LIST Although not specifically named, underneath the field, you will see a list
of song files available on the currently selected floppy disk. Use the UP/DOWN
cursor keys to select the one(s) you want to load.
This shows the floppy disk label (if any).
This indicates the number of files on the disk. In this case, 12 is shown
indicating that there are files ‘off screen’ which may be loaded.