
Page 100 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
Pressing takes you to the last of the three sample pages in PROGRAM EDIT. Here you
may set the velocity start time for the sample(s) assigned to the currently selected keygroup.
The screen display looks like this:
This page allows you to determine the way in which velocity affects the playback starting point
for each sample in a keygroup. This parameter is variable from +9999 to -9999. The higher the
positive number, the earlier in the sample playback will start relative to the key velocity (i.e. a
high key velocity will start playback earlier in the sample). A negative number has the opposite
effect (a high key velocity will start playback later in the sample than a low key velocity). This
effect is particularly useful for simulating percussion instruments (try it with a bass drum). It can
also be very effective with such instruments as a heavily bowed cello - by setting a high positive
value, hard keystrokes will play the aggressive bowing whilst soft keystrokes will not. The same
could be done with overblown saxes or flutes. Something similar could be done with synth
bass samples or other synth noises that have a pronounced filter sweep attack.
No other functions are available in this page.
In all of the sample pages, you may select between them via the three SMP soft keys. To return
to the keygroup screen to access the other keygroup functions, press and to return to
the main PROGRAM EDIT screen to access the ‘global’ program functions, press .