CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 3
The CD3000XL can also read CD-ROMs made for other
manufacturer’s samplers
• Data storage A variety of storage devices may be used to store data
including floppy disk, hard disk, Syquest™ removable
cartridges and Magneto Optical (MO) disks. Hard disk data may
be backed up to a normal DAT tape using the digital i/o.
• Flash ROM You may install up to 16Mbytes of FLASH ROM over and
above the 32Mbytes of ordinary RAM giving you a total of
48Mbytes of memory. FLASH ROM allows you to keep your
favourite sounds in memory even when the sampler is
switched off.
• Disk recording Capable of stereo recording and editing on hard disk.
• SMF capability The CD3000XL an play Standard MIDI files (sequences) from
the floppy disk drive. This allows you, for example, to play
sequenced backing tracks directly from the CD3000XL.
• DAT Backup You can backup the hard disk (sound data and/or disk
recordings) to an ordinary DAT recorder.
• Real-time digital output This digital audio output can be used to mix down digitally to
DAT or any other digital recorder such as DCC, MiniDisk or a
hard disk recorder such as the Akai DR4d, DR8 or even the
CD3000XL’s disk recorder. With the optional EB16 multi-
effects processor installed, you may add four channels of
effects processing to the mixdown.
SINGLE For playing single programs.
MULTI For playing up to 16 programs together for multi-timbral
sequencing, layering and key splits.
SAMPLE For making recordings.
EFFECTS For selecting effects.
EDIT For editing programs, samples and effects.
GLOBAL For setting parameters that affect the sampler as a whole plus
access to utilities such as DAT backup, MIDI song file play and
hard disk recording
SAVE For saving programs, samples, multis, effects and operating
systems, etc., to floppy or hard disk.
LOAD For loading programs, samples, multis, effects, operating
systems, etc., from floppy or hard disk and CD-ROM.
1 Some sounds may need adjustment and ÔtweakingÕ depending on the sampler they were
originally created on.