Page 274 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
When triggering takes from MIDI, if you stop the sequencer and restart it somewhere in the
middle of where a take should be playing, it will not sound. This is because it requires the MIDI
note-on to trigger it. In such circumstances, it will be necessary to ‘rewind’ the sequencer to a
point somewhere before the MIDI note to ensure that the take receives the note on and will
trigger. The same, of course, is true if you are running your sequencer synchronised to tape
and triggering takes from MIDI. If you stop the tape, you will need to rewind it to a point before
the MIDI note required to trigger the take
When a take is triggered from a MIDI note, when you stop the sequencer, assuming your
sequencer sends out a MIDI ALL NOTES OFF command, the take will stop playback. If
however, your sequencer does not issue an ALL NOTES OFF, the take will continue to play
but you may specifically stop playback from the CD3000XL front panel using F8 - STOP.
Because the CD3000XL can only play one take at a time, crossfading between takes is not
possible. Also, if one take is playing while another is triggered, the new take will take priority
although please note that there will be a short gap between the one take finishing and the next
take starting.