SIMage, 10-7
SINGle, 4-13
SKEW, 7-9
SOURce, 15-4, 18-32
SOURce CGRade, 25-10
SSAVer, 11-9
SSAVer AAFTer, 11-9
SSCReen, 6-4, 15-5, 17-10
SSCReen AREA, 6-5, 15-6, 17-11
SSCReen IMAGe, 6-6, 15-7, 17-12
SSUMmary, 15-7, 17-12
STARt, 17-12
STATe, 16-3
Status Byte (*STB?), 3-13
STOP, 4-13
STORe, 10-9
STORe SETup, 4-13
STORe WAVEform, 4-14
SWAVeform, 6-6, 15-8, 17-13
SWAVeform RESet, 6-7, 15-9, 17-13
TDRSkew, 8-6
TEST, 15-9, 17-14
TIME, 5-7
TMAX, 18-34
TMIN, 18-34
Trigger (*TRG), 3-13
UEE (User Event Enable register),
ULIMit, 15-9
UNITs ATTenuation, 8-7
UNITs OFFSet, 8-7
VAMPlitude, 18-35
VAVerage, 18-33, 18-36
VBASe, 18-36
VERTical OFFSet, 12-8
VERTical RANGe, 12-9
VIEW, 4-15
VMAX, 18-37
VMIN, 18-37
VPP, 18-37
VRMS, 18-38
VTOP, 18-39
Wait-to-Continue (*WAI), 3-14
WAVeform PATTern LOAD, 10-4
WAVeform PATTern PPBit, 10-5
WAVeform PATTern RANGe, 10-5
10-5, 10-6
WAVelength, 8-8
WINDow BORDer, 14-4
WINDow DEFault, 14-4
WINDow SOURce, 14-4
WINDow X1Position, 14-5
WINDow X2Position, 14-5
WINDow Y1Position, 14-6
WINDow Y2Position, 14-6
X1Position, 16-3
X1Y1source, 16-4
X2Position, 16-4
, 16-5
Y1Position, 16-5
Y2Position, 16-6
YALign, 17-14
data concepts, 1-34
error, 1-46
error status bit, 1-17
mode, 1-34
new, 1-42
trees, 1-27–1-30
comma-separated, variable file format,
COMMents, 4-5
Common Commands, 3-2
Clear Status (*CLS), 3-2
Event Status Enable (*ESE), 3-2
Event Status Register (*ESR), 3-3
Identification Number (*IDN), 3-4
Learn (*LRN), 3-5
Operation Complete (*OPC), 3-5
Option (*OPT?), 3-7
Recall (*RCL), 3-7
Reset (*RST), 3-7
Save (*SAV), 3-12
Service Request Enable (*SRE), 3-12
Status Byte (*STB?), 3-13
Test (*TST?), 3-14
Trigger (*TRG), 3-13
Wait-to-Continue (*WAI), 3-14
common commands
within a program message, 3-2
communicating over the bus, 1-34
COMPlete, 18-5
concurrent commands, 1-25
CONTinue, 7-4
controller code and capability, 1-35
converting waveform data
from data value to Y-axis units, 25-3
sample program, 2-10
COUNt, 6-2
FAILures?, 17-4
FSAMples?, 17-4
HITS?, 17-4
SAMPles?, 17-5
WAVeforms?, 17-5
CRATio, 18-5
CREE, 4-5
CRER, 1-20
CRER?, 4-6
CROSsing, 18-6
acquisition, 25-2
conversion, 25-2
mode, 1-34
rate, clock recovery, 9-7
rate, setting, 9-2
transmission mode and FORMat, 25-5
DATA?, 11-3
downloading, 1-7
DATE, 5-2
DCDistortion, 18-6
DCDRatio, 24-3
DCDRatio AUTodetect, 24-3
DCOLor, 11-3
DCYCle, 18-6
DDE bit, 3-3–3-4
decision chart, status reporting, 1-12
DEFault, 14-4, 17-7
GPIB conditions, 1-34
instrument address, 1-35
default GPIB address, 1-2
DEFine, 18-11
defining functions, 12-2
definite length block response data,
DELete, 10-2, 17-5–17-6
deleting files, 10-2
DELTatime, 18-13
address, 1-34
clear (DCL), 1-35
clear code and capability, 1-35
dependent data
, 1-26
or analyzer-specific error, 1-47
trigger code and capability, 1-35
Device Dependent Error (DDE), Status
Bit, 1-17
DIGitize, 4-6
digitize, aborting, 1-35
DIRectory?, 10-3
disabling serial poll, 1-35
Disk Commands, 10-2
CDIRectory, 10-2
DELete, 10-2
DIRectory?, 10-3
LOAD, 10-3
PWD?, 10-6
SIMage, 10-7
STORe, 10-9
DISPlay, 8-2, 12-3
Display Commands, 11-2
CGRade LEVels?, 11-2
CONNect, 11-2