Disk Commands
tion is not saved in jitter data or color grade-gray scale memory files. If you plan on loading
these files back into the instrument, be sure to also store the instrument setup. You will need
to load (restore) the instrument settings when you load the memory file.
<file_name> The filename, with a extension: .wfm, .txt, .cgs, .msk, .pcm, .set, .jd, or .tdr as a suffix after
the filename. If no file suffix is specified, the default is .wfm. The default directory for the file
type is assumed, or you can specify the entire path. For example, you can load the standard
setup file "setup0.set" using the command:
:DISK:LOAD "D:\User Files\Setups\setup0.set",setup
The default destination for .txt and .wfm files is WMEMory1.
<destination> {CGMemory | MASK | WMEMory<N> | SETup | JDMemory | TDRTDT}
NOTE This command operates only on files and directories on “D:\User Files” (C: on 86100A/B) or on any external drive
or mapped network drive.
NOTE Do not use this command with a <destination> specified other than SETup and JDMemory in Jitter Mode. Using
other <destination> arguments generate a “Settings conflict” error.
APPend This optional parameter is used to turn on additional channels in Eye/Mask mode without
turning off any channel(s) that are currently on. Without the APPend parameter, all other
database signals would be turned off when loading .cgs file.
<N> An integer from 1 to 4.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":DISK:LOAD ""FILE1.WFM"",WMEM1"
Command :DISK:MDIRectory "<directory>"
This command creates a directory in the present working directory, with the designated
directory name. An error is displayed if the requested path does not exist.
NOTE This command operates only on files and directories on “D:\User Files” (C: on 86100A/B) or on any external drive
or mapped network drive.
<directory> A character-quoted ASCII string which can include subdirectories. You must separate the
directory name and any subdirectories with a backslash (\).
Restrictions Software revision 4.10 and above on an 86100C. Option 201, Advanced Waveform Analysis
Software installed. Eye/Mask or Oscilloscope instrument mode with pattern lock triggering.
One or more channels or functions (invert, subtract, or magnify) turned on. Optional MAT-
LAB Filter and Linear Feedforward Equalizer applications closed (not running).
Command :DISK:PWAVeform:LOAD <file_name> [,{CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> }]