
Common Commands
*RST (Reset)
Graticule Grid on
Intensity 30
Backlight Saver Enabled
Turn off backlight after 8 hours
Colors Default legend
Labels Off
Readout Off (until the first marker is placed on
the screen)
X1, Y1 source User selectable if more than one
source is available
X1 position 28 ns
Y1 position 0V
X2, Y2 source User selectable if more than one
source is available
X2 position 24 ns
Y2 position 0V
Oscilloscope mode Eye/Mask mode
QuickMeas, Meas.1 V p-p Extinction ratio
QuickMeas, Meas. 2 Period Jitter
QuickMeas, Meas. 3 Frequency Average power
QuickMeas, Meas. 4 Rise time Crossing %
Start mask test Off
Define Measure
Thresholds - percent 10%, 50%, 90%
Thresholds - volts 0.0, 1.6, 5.0
Top-Base Definition Standard
Statistics Off
Top-Base volts 0.0, 5.0
Measurements Off
Start Edge Rising, 1 level, middle
Stop Edge Falling, 1 level, middle
Eye Window 1 40%
Eye Window 2 60%
Duty cycle distortion format Time
Extinction ratio format Decibel
Table 3-4. Default Setup (2 of 4)