
Root Level Commands
Returned Format [:MTER] <value><NL>
Command :OPEE <mask>
This command sets a mask in the Operation Status Enable register. Each bit that is set to a
“1” enables that bit to set bit 7 in the Status Byte Register, and potentially causes an SRQ to
be generated. Bit 5, Wait for Trig, is used. Other bits are reserved. <mask> The decimal
weight of the enabled bits.
Query :OPEE?
The query returns the current value contained in the Operation Status Enable register as a
decimal number.
Returned Format [:OPEE] <value><NL>
Query :OPER?
This query returns the value contained in the Operation Status Register as a decimal number
and also clears this register. This register is the summary of the CLCK bit (bit 7), LTEST bit
(bit 8), ACQ bit (bit 9) and MTEST bit (bit 10). The CLCK bit is set by the Clock Recovery
Event Register and indicates that a clock event has occurred. The LTEST bit is set by the
Limit Test Event Register and indicates that a limit test has failed or completed. The ACQ bit
is set by the Acquisition Event Register and indicates that an acquisition limit test has com-
pleted. The MTEST bit is set by the Mask Test Event Register and indicates that a mask limit
test has failed or completed.
Returned Format [:OPER] <value><NL>
Command :PTEE <mask>
This command sets a mask into the Precision Timebase Event Enable register. A “1” in a bit
position enables the corresponding bit in the Precision Timebase Event Register to set bit 11
in the Operation Status Register. <mask> is the decimal weight of the enabled bits. Only bit 0
of the Precision Timebase Event Register are used at this time. The useful mask values are
shown in the following table. The following table shows the enabled bits for each useful mask
value. Bits that are not marked as enabled for a mask are blocked from affecting the opera-
tion status register.
Restrictions Software revision A.03.01 and above
Table 4-7. Enabled Bits for Mask Values
Mask Value Bit 0 LOSS