Waveform Commands
10 OUTPUT 707 USING "#,K";:WAVEFORM:DATA #800001000"
20 OUTPUT 707 USING "W";Set(*)
NOTE BASIC Image Specifiers. # is an BASIC image specifier that suppresses the automatic output
of the EOL sequence following the last output item. K is an BASIC image specifier that outputs
a number or string in standard form with no leading or trailing blanks.
W is an BASIC image
specifier that outputs 16-bit words with the most significant byte first.
Query :WAVeform:DATA?
The query outputs waveform data to the computer over the GPIB interface. The data is cop-
ied from a waveform memory, function, channel buffer, or histogram previously specified with
the WAVeform:SOURce command. The returned data is described by the waveform preamble.
N OT E CGRade as Waveform Source. If the waveform source is CGRade, then the waveform fromat must be set to
WORD. WORD is the only format that works with color grade data.
Returned Format [:WAVeform:DATA] <block_data>[,<block_data>]<NL>
Example This example places the current waveform data from channel 1 of the array Wdata in the
word format.
10 OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:HEADER OFF" !Response headers off
30 OUTPUT 707;":WAVEFORM:FORMAT WORD" !Select word format
50 ENTER 707 USING "#,1A";Pound_sign$
53 ENTER 707 USING "#,1D";Header_length
55 ENTER 707 USING "#,"&VAL$(Header_length)&"D";Length
60 Length = Length/2 !Length in words
70 ALLOCATE INTEGER Wdata(1:Length)
80 ENTER 707 USING "#,W";Wdata(*)
90 ENTER 707 USING "-K,B";End$
100 END
NOTE BASIC Image Specifiers. # is an BASIC image specifier that terminates the statement when the
last ENTER item is terminated. EOI and line feed are the item terminators. 1A is an BASIC
image specifier that places the next character received in a string variable.
1D is an BASIC
image specifier that places the next character in a numeric variable.
W is an BASIC image
specifier that places the data in the array in word format with the first byte entered as the most
significant byte.
-K is an BASIC image specifier that places the block data in a string, including
carriage returns and line feeds until EOI is true or when the dimensioned length of the string
is reached. B is an BASIC specifier that enters the next byte in a variable.
The format of the waveform data must match the format previously specified by the WAVe-
form:FORMat, WAVeform:BYTeorder, and WAVeform:PREamble commands.
Command :WAVeform:FORMat {ASCii | BYTE | LONG | WORD}
This command sets the data transmission mode for waveform data output. This command
controls how the data is formatted when the data is sent from the analyzer and pertains to all
waveforms. The default format is ASCii.