
496 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
5 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:TRIGger:CAN:SIGNal:DEFinition <value>
<value> ::= {CANH | CANL | RX | TX | DIFFerential}
The :TRIGger:CAN:SIGNal:DEFinition command sets the CAN signal type
when :TRIGger:CAN:TRIGger is set to SOF (start of frame). These signals
can be set to:
Dominant high signal:
CANH — the actual CAN_H differential bus signal.
Dominant low signals:
CANL — the actual CAN_L differential bus signal.
RX — the Receive signal from the CAN bus transceiver.
TX — the Transmit signal to the CAN bus transceiver.
DIFFerential — the CAN differential bus signal connected to an analog
source channel using a differential probe.
Query Syntax
The :TRIGger:CAN:SIGNal:DEFinition? query returns the current CAN
signal type.
Return Format
<value> ::= DIFF
See Also "Introduction to :TRIGger Commands" on page 313
":TRIGger:MODE" on page 319
":TRIGger:CAN:SIGNal:BAUDrate" on page 331
":TRIGger:CAN:SOURce" on page 332
":TRIGger:CAN:TRIGger" on page 333
With InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscope software version 5.00 or greater, this command
is available, but the only legal value is DIFF.