
406 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
3 Commands by Subsystem
In converting a data value to time, the time value of a data point can be
determined by the position of the data point. For example, the fourth data
point sent with :WAVeform:XORigin = 16 ns, :WAVeform:XREFerence = 0,
and :WAVeform:XINCrement = 2 ns, can be calculated using the following
time = [(data point number - xreference) * xincrement] + xorigin
This would result in the following calculation for time bucket 3:
time = [(3 - 0) * 2 ns] + 16 ns = 22 ns
In :ACQuire:TYPE PEAK mode (see page 132), because data is acquired in
max- min pairs, modify the previous time formula to the following:
time=[(data pair number - xreference) * xincrement * 2] + xorigin
Data Format for Transfer
There are three formats for transferring waveform data over the interface:
BYTE, WORD and ASCii (see ":WAVeform:FORMat" on page 412). BYTE,
WORD and ASCii formatted waveform records are transmitted using the
arbitrary block program data format specified in IEEE 488.2.
When you use the block data format, the ASCII character string
"#8<DD...D>" is sent prior to sending the actual data. The 8 indicates how
many Ds follow. The Ds are ASCII numbers that indicate how many data
bytes follow.
For example, if 1000 points will be transferred, and the WORD format was
specified, the block header "#800001000" would be sent. The 8 indicates
that eight length bytes follow, and 00001000 indicates that 1000 binary
data bytes follow.
Use the :WAVeform:UNSigned command (see page 426) to control whether
data values are sent as unsigned or signed integers. This command can be
used to match the instrument's internal data type to the data type used by
the programming language. This command has no effect if the data format
is ASCii.
Data Format for Transfer - ASCii format
The ASCii format (see ":WAVeform:FORMat" on page 412) provides
access to the waveform data as real Y- axis values without using Y
origin, Y reference, and Y increment to convert the binary data. Values
are transferred as ASCii digits in floating point format separated by
commas. In ASCii format, holes are represented by the value 9.9e+37.
The setting of :WAVeform:BYTeorder (see page 408) and
:WAVeform:UNSigned (see page 426) have no effect when the format is
Data Format for Transfer - WORD format