
370 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
3 Commands by Subsystem
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:TRIGger:LIN:SYNCbreak <value>
<value> ::= integer = {11 | 12 | 13}
The :TRIGger:LIN:SYNCbreak command sets the length of the LIN sync
break to be greater than or equal to 11,12, or 13 clock lengths. The sync
break is the idle period in the bus activity at the beginning of each packet
that distinguishes one information packet from the previous one.
Query Syntax
The :TRIGger:LIN:STANdard? query returns the current LIN sync break
Return Format
<value> ::= {11 | 12 | 13}
See Also "Introduction to :TRIGger Commands" on page 313
":TRIGger:MODE" on page 319
":TRIGger:LIN:SIGNal:DEFinition" on page 497
":TRIGger:LIN:SOURce" on page 368