Features and Accessories
P7225 2.5 GHz 10X Active Probe User Manua l
Table 1: P7225 features and standard accessories (Cont.)
Feature/Accessory Description
Push-in probe tip
Push-in probe tip. Use the push-in probe tip for
general purpose probing by hand.
The push-in probe tip may also be used with the
other socketed leads and adapters.
Tektronix part number: 131-5638-11 (1 set of 10)
probe tip
Installing the push-in probe tip. Attach the
push-in probe tip by aligning the tip into the probe
tip socket and pushing the tip in until it is seated.
Either end of the tip may be used.
Do not force the tip. Also, be careful not to poke
yourself with the sharp probe tip. To remove the
tip, gently grab the tip with small pliers, and pull
the tip out.
Pogo pin
Low-inductance ground pogo pin. Use the
low-inductance ground pogo pin to substantially
reduce ground lead inductance. Because the
pogo pin only touches the ground reference, you
can easily move the probe to different points on
the circuit under test.
To attach, press the pogo pin into the probe head
ground socket.
To maintain signal fidelity while probing, use as
short a ground path as possible. Refer to page 21
for more grounding information.
Tektronix part number: 016-1772-10 (1 set of 10)