Pulse Triggering
Table 3-9: Pulse Trigger Definitions
Glitch positive Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope detects
positive spike widths less than the specified
glitch time.
Glitch negative Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope detects
negative spike widths less than the specified
glitch time.
Glitch either Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope detects
positive or negative widths less than the speci-
fied glitch time.
Runt positive Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope detects a
positive pulse that crosses one threshold going
positive but fails to cross a second threshold
before recrossing the first going negative.
Runt negative Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope detects a
negative going pulse that crosses one thresh-
old going negative but fails to cross a second
threshold before recrossing the first going posi-
Runt either Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope detects a
positive or negative going pulse that crosses
one threshold but fails to cross a second
threshold before recrossing the first.
Width positive Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope finds a
positive pulse with a width between, or option-
ally outside, the user-specified lower and upper
time limits.
Width negative Triggering occurs if the oscilloscope finds a
negative pulse with a width between, or option-
ally outside, the user-specified lower and upper
time limits.