Probe Accessories
Probe-Tip-to-Chassis Adapter
The probe-tip-to-chassis adapter makes your test point accessible without
removing instrument covers or panels. It provides an easy-access, low-induc-
tance test point anywhere on your circuit. The probe-tip-to-chassis adapter
has the same low inductance properties as the probe-tip-to-circuit board
adapter described previously.
To use your probe with these adapters, unscrew and remove the ribbed
Compact-to-Miniature Probe Tip Adapter
The compact-to-miniature probe tip adapter allows you to use accessories
that are designed to accept a larger probe tip. These accessories include the
IC protector tip, single- and dual-lead adapters, and others.
To install the adapter, unscrew and remove the ribbed ferrule, and screw the
adapter on in its place. (The IC protector tip discussed below is installed on
the adapter tip when shipped. Remove the protector tip by pulling it off before
using the adapter with other accessories.)
IC Protector Tip
The IC protector tip simplifies probing inline IC packages. The shape of the IC
protector guides the probe tip to the IC pin and prevents accidental shorting of
pins by the probe tip. It is used with the compact-to-miniature probe tip adapt-
er. When using that tip, the spacing (pitch) between leads should be greater
than or equal to 0.100 inches (100 mils).
Because the IC protector tip prevents you from using the low-inductance tips,
you will have to use one of the longer ground leads. For that reason you
should take into account ground lead inductance effects on measurements at
frequencies greater than about 30 MHz.