Philips Medical Systems
protocol pause timer
0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, 2.5, 3.0
2.0 A 2-minute protocol pause for CPR
automatically starts after voice
instruction is given when a shock
series is completed. After the protocol
pause, the defibrillator returns to
rhythm analysis.
If the user presses the i-button for
optional CPR coaching, the HeartStart
provides coaching for 5 cycles of CPR,
starting and ending with compressions,
when the CPR Coaching parameters
are also set to their default values. The
number of CPR cycles varies for other
protocol pause timer and CPR
Coaching parameter settings.
Note: Because the protocol pause ends
upon completion of a CPR cycle in order
to maximize the benefits of CPR, the
actual duration of the pause may differ
slightly from the timer setting.
NSA pause type • Standard NSA
pause: HeartStart
does not perform
rhythm analysis
during the NSA
• SMART NSA pause:
HeartStart con-
ducts background
monitoring during
pause. If a poten-
tially shockable
rhythm is detected,
HeartStart termi-
nates the SMART
NSA pause and
resumes rhythm
During a SMART NSA pause, the
defibrillator conducts background
monitoring. If a potentially shockable
rhythm is detected in a motionless
patient, the defibrillator terminates the
SMART NSA pause and resumes
rhythm analysis.
NOTE: If the HeartStart detects CPR in
progress or if the responder has pressed
the i-button for CPR Coaching, the SMART
NSA pause will be converted to a
standard NSA pause. During the standard
NSA pause, the defibrillator does not
perform rhythm analysis.
parameter settings default default description