Philips Medical Systems
Training and practice
The HeartStart is one part of a well-designed emergency response plan. Any
emergency response plan should be under the oversight of a physician and should
include training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Philips recommends that
you train on the device you will be using.
Several national and local organizations offer combined CPR/defibrillator training.
Contact your Philips representative, or visit us on-line at
www.medical.philips.com, for information about training programs in your area.
NOTE: Training accessories are available from Philips for practicing use of the
HeartStart. See Appendix A for information on ordering accessories.
National and local requirements
Check with your local health department to see if there are any national or local
requirements about owning and using a defibrillator.
For more information
Contact your local Philips representative for additional information about the
HeartStart. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have and to
provide you with copies of the clinical summaries of several key studies using
Philips automated external defibrillators.
You can also find the clinical summaries online at www.medical.philips.com/
heartstart. Technical information about all Philips HeartStart automated external
defibrillators is also available online, in the Technical Reference Guide for HeartStart
* Clinical summaries also include Heartstream ForeRunner and FR2 Defibrillators.