Step 2: Apply blood sample
With the Test Strip in the Meter and
on the display, apply a drop of blood
to the Test Spot.
The Meter will beep when the blood
has been applied to the Test Spot.
Make sure that you:
Do not remove the Test Strip from
the Meter to apply blood.
Do not smear blood on the Test
Spot or apply a second drop after
the test begins.
Do not move the Test Strip when
you are applying blood. If the Test
Strip moves, push it back to its
original position.
Touch only the tip of the drop of
blood to the Test Spot.
Apply enough blood to form a
round, shiny drop that covers the
Test Spot completely and stays wet
during the entire test.
LSI-97-050 OTB Eg 7/25/97 11:09 PM Page 33