Motor speed and direction are regulated by the joystick control unit. With practice, automatic control of
acceleration, braking and change of direction will ensure a smooth, jerk-free ride. The variable speed
selector gives you total control in any environment.
The power chair cannot be driven when the batteries are being charged. Controller circuits are designed
to prevent operation during the charging process.
CHARGING • The battery gauge will indicate that your batteries are low.
Charging is straightforward, (Refer to enclosed booklet).
BATTERIES • The batteries fitted as standard are completely sealed and therefore cannot be
spilled like conventional ‘wet’ cells. Total performance and reliable operation is
dependent on the care and understanding of batteries and battery charging.
Please refer to the appropriate section and separate booklet supplied. Sealed Gel
batteries are classed as non hazardous by all air transport and travel authorities.
Mobility vehicles fitted with these batteries can be safely taken onto aeroplanes,
ships, buses, ambulances or trains without having to remove the batteries from
the equipment.
TYRES • Pneumatic drive wheels and castors are fitted as standard. Puncture proof wheels
will alleviate the need to maintain pressures and give a smooth but slightly harder
ride. These are available as options.
UPHOLSTERY * The upholstery complies with the requirements for resistance to cigarette and
match ignition ISO7176:16. Refer to section on cleaning and care of upholstery
materials. Prolonged exposure to ultra-violet light will reduce the life of the
upholstery, protect against sunlight.
OPTIONAL * The knob fitted to your joystick is supplied as standard and is suitable for most
applications. If you find this unsuitable for your operation there is a range of
alternatives available. Please contact your wheelchair distributor for advice. Do
CONTROL not replace the joystick knob with any unauthorised device - it may cause
hazardous operation.