HP ThinState Deploy
To perform an HP ThinState deployment:
1. Set the boot order in the F10 System BIOS to USB boot.
2. Attach the USB flash drive to the thin client unit you wish to deploy the captured image to, and then
power on the unit.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
After you remove the USB flash drive and cycle power to the system, the image will unbundle. This
process can take between 10-12 minutes. Do not interrupt or cycle power to the unit during this process.
You may use the captured image (flash.ibr) found in the USB flash drive in combination with Altiris
Deployment Solution to remotely image multiple thin client units.
NOTE: You must use flash.ibr in conjunction with the HP ThinState Deploy utility (e.g., ibr.exe).
Flash.ibr is not compatible with Altiris’ rdeploy.exe or rdeployt.exe utilities. Please consult the HP
Compaq Thin Client Imaging Tool at
For more information about Altiris, see http://www.altiris.com/.
ENWW HP ThinState Capture 37