4. Type ewfmgr c:.
5. Press Enter.
Using the ewfmgr <drive-letter> -[boot command] syntax, use the following commands in the
boot command variable of the command line:
-all: Displays information about all protected volumes and performs a command, such as disable,
enable, and commit, on each volume, if specified.
-commit: Commits all current level data in the overlay to the protected volume, and resets the
current overlay value to 1. You can combine -commit with the -disable command to commit
and then disable.
-disable: Disables the overlay on the specified protected volume.
-enable: Enables the Enhanced Write Filter so that data written to the protected media is cached
in the overlays. The current overlay level becomes 1 as soon as EWF is started, and a new overlay
is created at level 1.
-commitanddisable: Combination of the commit and disable commands. This command commits
data in the overlay upon shutdown and disables EWF after the system reboots.
Enhanced Write Filter user interface
In addition to the DOS command-line tool, the Windows XP Embedded image includes an Enhanced
Write Filter (EWF) user interface. You can access the EWF interface through the Control Panel or the
Administrative Tools option for the administrator.
To access the EWF user interface:
1. Log in as an Administrator.
2. Select Start > Control Panel > Other Control Panel Options or Start > Control Panel >
Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools.
30 Chapter 4 Control Panel extended selections ENWW