Instruction Manual
IB-106-300NH Rev. 4.2
July 2002
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Calibration 4-5
World Class 3000
(P/N 6296A27G01)
Figure 4-2. Portable Rosemount Oxygen
Calibration Gas Kit
2 Extra gas bottles are available
Rosemount Analytical Inc.
Box 901
Orrville, Ohio 44667
Rosemount Limited
Burymead Road
Hitchin, Herts. U.K.
Rosemount Italy
VIA Guido Cavalcanti 8
20127 Milan, Italy
Rosemount Spain
Saturnino Calleja 6
28002 Madrid
Rosemount France
165 Boulevard de Vallmy
92706, Colombes, France
Rosemount P/N 3530B07G01
for probe 0.4% oxygen in ni-
trogen in disposable bottle.
Rosemount P/N 3530B07G02
for probe 8% oxygen in nitro-
gen in disposable bottle.
3 A check valve is required at
the probe (between the cali-
bration fitting and the gas line)
to prevent the migration of
process gases down the cali-
bration gas line.
(b) Calibration with a Portable Rose-
mount Oxygen Calibration Gases
1 A typical portable calibration
setup is shown in Figure 4-3.
For manual (semiautomatic)
calibration, remove cap plug
from the calibrate in place fit-
ting. The cap plug must be
retained to seal this fitting af-
ter calibration is complete;
failure to do so may render
the probe useless if the sys-
tem pressure is slightly nega-
tive. The reference air should
be flowing as in normal
2 Refer to paragraph 4-2.d of
this section for Manual (Semi-
automatic) Calibration setup
and procedure using the IFT.
3 Screw the pushbutton regu-
lator with contents gage on to
the calibration gas of choice
and inject the calibration gas
by opening the valve. Gas is
on continuously when the
valve is opened.