Instruction Manual
Appendix A Rev. 3.8
July 2002
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Appendices A-13
World Class 3000
Table A-2. Fault Finding (Continued)
Symptom Check Fault Remedy
2. System responds to
oxygen concentration
changes but does not
give correct indication
Recorder or remote
Calibration error Recalibrate recorder or
indicator. Reference Re-
corder Instruction Manual.
System calibration Calibration error Recalibrate system.
Probe mounting and con-
dition of duct
Air ingress into duct Stop air leaks or resite
Good response, with
incorrect indication
Cell mV input to
Failure of electronics Check electronics
Calibration gas input port Blocked port Clean port. If the flue gas
is condensing in the cali-
bration gas line, insulate
the back of the probe.
Make sure that the cali-
bration gas line is capped
between calibrations, or a
check valve is installed.
3. System does not give
accurate indication of
applied calibration gas
Ceramic diffusion element Diffusion element cracked,
broken, or missing
Replace diffusion element.
4. System takes a long
time to return to flue
gas value after calibra-
tion gas is turned off
Diffusion element Plugged diffusion element Change diffusion element
or snubber diffusion
Check calibration gas fit-
Leak in gasket, or calibra-
tion gas fittings or tubing.
Repair leak.
Check calibration gas
hoses or tubing.
Leak in calibration gas
hose or tubing.
Repair hose or tubing.
Cell flange corrugated
Leaking seal. Replace seal.
5. Probe passes calibra-
tion, but appears to
read high.
If equipped with an abra-
sive shield, check flange
mounting gasket.
Leaking gasket. Replace gasket.
6. Probe passes calibra-
tion, but appears to
read low.
Flow calibration gas to the
probe until reading stabi-
lizes. Shut off calibration
gas and note the time re-
quired to return to process
gas values. Time should
be <20 sec. (<40 sec. for
hazardous area probes).
Plugged diffuser element
from high process par-
ticulate may cause a cali-
bration shift.
Replace diffuser.