3M Service phone numbers
In the United States
Library Systems: 1-800-328-0067 (Option 1)
In Canada
English 1-800-268-6235
Français 1-800-567-3193
In other countries
Call your local 3M office.
To order tags
Tag types
Make sure that you order the correct type of tag for your equipment:
The Conversion Station Model 711 only uses 3M™ D1 RFID Tags.
The Conversion Station Model 811 (used with the 3M™ One-Tag RFID System)
only uses 3M™ ISO RFID Tags.
Phone numbers
Call the following phone numbers to order the tags listed above.
In the United States
1-800-328-0067 (Option 2)
In Canada
English/Français 1-800-410-6880
In other countries
Call your local 3M office.