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Add Fade In
Yoa can add fade-in at the begimling ol a track. The beginning of
the track is played with gradually rising level when fadedn has
been added.
1. If "Add Fade In" is selected (P.58), the following
screen appears.
Discthat contains thetrack toadd fade-in
-....i 'r .. Ii..i i..i . I
Trackto add fade-in
If the edit menu is selected during playback, the unit
automalically selecls the ilem to be ediled. In Ihis case, skip le
step 6 since you do not need to selecl an item.
2. Rotate the MULTI dOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the disc that contains the track to
add fade-in.
3, Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the disc.
The m]mber of the track to add ladeqn flashes.
Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed selection.
4, Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the track to add fade-in.
5, Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the track.
Tile beginning of the track lot eight seconds is repeated b
played with a three second (initial setting) fadedn.
Fade-in length
' ..... r - _ ...... 'imA, m,,_
Playing time ofthetrack
6. Rotate MULTI JOG knob (+/- on the remote control)
to set the fade-in length.
The ladeqn length can be set in the I to 10 second range by
one second steps.
If you slop totaling Ihe MULTI JOG knob. this unil starts
repeated playback of the beginning of Ihe track wilh a lade-in
ol thelength set in above slep, with extra porlion for further
five secoads.
Press CLEAR to cancel the setting.
7, Press COMPLETE.
Tile fadeqn is added to the beginning ol tile selected track lor
the selected length.
This unit returns to the editing mmm item selection. (If the edit
menu is carried on during playback, playback restarts.)
• Fade-in cannot be added to a track that is shorter than 21 seconds.
• The lade-in effect becomes inefl_:ctive if the following editing is
perlormed to the track which the fade-in is added to.
Erasing a certain part of the track (Part Erase).
Combining the track (Track Combine).
Dividing the track (Track Divide).
At!justing the beginning of the track (Track AtUust).
• If "Track Adjust" has been perlkwmed, the lk_de-in eflk:ct of both
the adjusted track and the previous track becomes inellcctive.
Add Fade Out
You cm/add lade-out at the end of a track. The end of the track is
played with gradually h)wering the level when fade-oul has been
1 • If "Add Fade Out" is selected (P.58), the following
screen appears.
Discthat containsthe trackto addfade-out
....F",i f"i_ i ii_,',, 1i 'I:..'?
.... ,, ..... ..... :. :' 'L_,o _? o
Trackto add fade-out
If the edit menu is selected during playback, the unit
automalically selecls the ilem to be edited, hi Ihis case, skip Io
step 6 since you do nol need to selecl an item.
2, Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the disc that contains the track to
add fade-out.
Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the disc.
The number el the track to add fade-out llashes.
Press CLEAR to cancel the coafirmed seleclion.
4, Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the track to add fade-out.
5, Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the track.
Tile ending (If tile track lor eight seconds is repeatedly phtyed
with a three second (initial setting) fade-out.
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Playingtime ofthetrack